Why a Writing Coach?


The answer is in most of the manuscripts that cross my desk, the ones that were written without editorial input or guidance. Many, if not most, have structural issues that will mean taking them apart…

Get Out of Your Own Way


Some writers can’t get started. Some writers can’t finish. There are different ways to overcome either challenge, but there’s one that addresses both: Get outside help. From trying to cut your own hair to trouble-shooting…

Writing with the Universe’s “Help”


Remember Paper Clip Guy? He used to pop up in MS Word: "I see you're writing a letter! Do you need help?" When you write a book, the Universe is, essentially, Paper Clip Guy. "I…

When Should You Hire an Editor?


First you write the book, then you hire an editor, right? Wrong. There are many kinds of editors, and the one you're thinking of is a line editor - someone who goes over the manuscript…

How to Write a Good Read


Some authors see their books primarily as brochures for their businesses. They give readers an overview of their coaching programs or services with just enough detail to get people interested in hiring them, but not…