
Just getting started? Our Ignite program is perfect for writers who are still settling on their book idea and narrative structure. The four-month program includes: 

Foundational Work (6 weeks) 

      • Assess your own writing temperament and motivational style so we know how best to support you

      • Determining the outcome you want from writing and publishing your book to establish the target you’re shooting for

      • Exercises and worksheets to establish your book’s overarching theme, sub-themes, and genre

      • Research and outcomes-based exercises to create a detailed profile of your reader avatar – who your book is for and what you want them to get from reading it

      • Studying the common structural frameworks for fiction and nonfiction and choosing the one that will work best for your book

      • Creating your storyboard – the outline of your story and the road map you’ll use to keep your narrative and your characters on track as you write


    Writing Your First Draft (8 weeks

        • Weekly writing submissions with lots of encouragement and light editorial feedback

        • Weekly Zoom sessions to go over what you’ve written and workshop the next chapter(s)


      Developmental Edit (2 weeks)

          • Once you submit your rough (some of our clients prefer to call it “raw”) first draft, we’ll spend the next two weeks reading, and evaluating

          • This Developmental Edit is a deep dive into the structure, voice, and character development of your book. We’ll give you detailed, written feedback and specific, actionable suggestions for what to focus on for rewrite.

          • What’s next: you’ll have the opportunity to go on to our Launch program, which picks up with the writing of your second draft and takes you and your book right up to ready to query or start the self-publishing process.