What Kind of Editing Do You Need?


My editor helped me tighten my story outline. My editor strengthened my memoir's narrative. My editor caught that I'd used the phrase "Here's the thing" 24 times in my manuscript. My editor saved me from…

Why a Writing Coach?


The answer is in most of the manuscripts that cross my desk, the ones that were written without editorial input or guidance. Many, if not most, have structural issues that will mean taking them apart…

What’s Your Story?


“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” The late novelist Terry Pratchett is one of many writers who’ve said some variation of the above. That’s because it’s pure truth. You can’t tell…

Winter Is Made for Books


It's a grey, blustery day in Montreal, and it's got me thinking about the long winter ahead. Vermont winters can last six months long. Three ways to deal with it: snowbirding, find a favorite outdoor…

How to Become a Better Writer


Writing is like a sport. If you don’t practice, you don’t get any better. Rick Riordan We were all taught how to write at some point. But what most of us learned was centered around…

Killing Your Darlings


Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler's heart, kill your darlings. ~ Stephen King Few writers are as prolific as Stephen King. As of mid-2022, King has written…

Get Out of Your Own Way


Some writers can’t get started. Some writers can’t finish. There are different ways to overcome either challenge, but there’s one that addresses both: Get outside help. From trying to cut your own hair to trouble-shooting…

Build a Relationship with Your Reader


People can’t buy and read a book they don’t know exists. And they can’t know it exists unless you – or someone else who knows about it – tells them. But many of the writers…

How Long Does It Take to Get Your Book Out?


The answer, as with most things, is that it depends. Kazuo Ishiguro wrote The Remains of the Day in four weeks. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his first Sherlock Holmes book in three. Robert Louis Stephenson…